Compare 2021 to Budget and 2019

Compare 2021 to Budget and 2019

Even though your software may not be designed to compare your actuals to two years ago, most accounting softwares allow you to export your financials.  You can compare your current actuals to two years ago.  The purpose of financial statements is to supply you with information to manage your business.  Comparing this year’s numbers with last years will not do it.  With pandemic losses devastating last year’s monthly numbers, the comparison will be meaningless.

The best way to view your actuals is to compare them to Budget, but most business also compare them to prior year.  Starting in March 2021 those comparisons will be worthless.  Prepare to show your CEO that you can think outside the box and show them what they need to see. 2021 compared to Budget and compared to 2019.Numbers are not the enemy


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